Monday, March 7, 2011

Expecting again!

     With all the financial difficulties facing a majority of the nation, its not hard to understand why so many people seem to be in a bad mood now-a-days. Debts are on the rise, opportunities are getting less and less and it seems that every day there is something new to complain about. In the midst of all the negativity the world throws at us though, there is always one thing thats sure to bring a smile to everyones faces. The addition of a new family member.
     At some point in September my girlfriend and I will have an addition of our own to talk about. So like every expecting couple, we have been glancing through catalogues, discussing baby names for both genders, and window shopping every time we are out. I have a five year old son already, as does she. So our new baby boy/girl will have two brothers six years older than him/her. Of course, this could be great or it could be hard (I'm not sure which yet). Maybe our little girl will have two protective older bro's to make my job easier. Maybe our little boy will have all the hand-me-downs he could ever need. Although it would be at least five years before they fit him so is it even worth it? Maybe the six year gap will make him/her feel singled out.
    So, I am writing this in hopes of some sage advice from all you parents out there. Have you been through similar child-raising experiences? How did it work? What products really helped you out or made things hard?


  1. Congratulations, that is definitely something to smile about! I think this little one could cement the bond between the two 5 year olds and hopefully make the step battle a little easier, if there even is a battle.

  2. Personally, I vote for a girl. I need someone to buy for that can wear headbands and tutus cause I get stumped every year on what to buy for boys =\ But either way, I shall love him or her the way an auntie is supposed to <3

    As far as the hand-me-down thing goes... I could go on and on about my troubles with so much laundry... It all started with saving clothes that would some day fit. So I would say not worth it unless it's a REALLY nice outfit.

  3. I have two step children, ages 14 and 12 as well as a biological child age 2 years old. The older kids were 10 and 12 when the baby was born. They were so excited to have a baby in their lives again!
    I know your kids are a bit younger than mine were, but I'm sure they will be fine with a new addition. Just make sure they know that mommy & daddy love them too, and include them in the shopping process, maybe the decorating process too. When the baby comes, the older kids can help out whenever they can, like filling bottles, taking dirty diapers to the trash (then washing their hands good), and so on.
    I think the main thing is to make sure the older kids feel included, not left out, and that's gonna be all on you & your girlfriend.
    Good Luck! And Congratulations!

  4. Congrats! There is only an 18mo gap between my two! LOL But my sister and I are 11 years apart! The only advice that I can give you from experience is don't make them baby sit all the time! LOL My mom used to use me as her own little sitter and it used to drive me crazy! Petty I know but I was 14 at the time and totally didn't want to be babysitting.

    Good Luck! :)

  5. LOL. I think if i made our boys baby sit, we would come home to the baby being held for ransom in some war game they were playing. Thanks for the advice.

  6. Congratulations!
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