I was reading articles recently from various news agencies online and I came to the conclusion that no matter how far downhill this world travels there are things that happen every day that still shock me. One piece was about an elderly couple that was beaten and robbed over eighteen dollars. The woman’s injuries were eventually enough to do her in and the suspects left without as much as a trace to their identities. A second article described a woman who was physically assaulted and left in a coma after a dispute over a parking spot with a much larger man.
The two stories share a common bond. Criminals will do whatever they have to do to better their own situation and it doesn’t matter who you are or how innocent you may be. They prey on those who make the easiest targets such as the elderly and people much smaller than they are. They will use any advantage they can find to control and take advantage of their victims. Leverage is the only thing that matters in these types of situations and if you don’t have as much as they do you are in trouble.
I have always been an advocate of self-defense measures, especially within the home or car. When I read these stories the only thing I can think is “If these people were better prepared, could they have escaped? Could they have fought back?” I own a firearm, which I keep locked in my home for protection, but guns aren’t for everyone and some people are understandably nervous about having them around, but there are many other less-lethal means of defending yourself and your loved ones available that many people don’t get to hear much about.

A while back I had found a perfect gift for those who may be a little leery of carrying a gun for self-defense but would like to do something to be prepared in case they ever need to protect themselves or their family. It is a hand held 3.8 million volt stun gun with a built-in LED flashlight and carrying case. These miniature stun guns fit perfectly in a purse or strap to a belt and don’t look much different than a cell phone. They deliver a shock that can render a person temporarily disabled or unconscious, giving you precious time to fight back or escape an attack. They can be left in a glove compartment and if nothing else you would always have a bright flashlight around.
They were reasonably priced so I bought a shipment of them and began giving them away to friends and family as gifts and they proved to be quite popular. Now I will be giving one of these self-defense stun guns away right here on my blog. If you are already following me just leave a comment to this post saying you want to be entered for a chance to win. If you are not following me just start following and post a comment telling me you are interested. One person will be randomly selected from the comments to receive a brand new stun gun for free. I will even pick up the shipping!
So good luck! I look forward to meeting some new followers. The winner will be selected in 2 weeks on April 15th.